Version 0.7.4.a.3 (Alpha)
Posted: November 12, 2021
- Editor: Fixed an issue where an invalid error message will be shown when clicking on close during editor save (#2133)
- Editor: Fixed editor issue with shared material textures (shared textures were wrongly replaced under some circumstances) (#2116)
- Editor: Fixed project save issue where needed mobile textures were kept for previously imported models (#2115)
- Editor: Fixed missing preview image refresh if a material was changed under some circumstances (#2113)
- Editor: Fixed missing material preview image refresh under some circumstances (#2112)
- Editor: Fixed editor material set duplication error (it was possible that variationIDs are duplicated multiple times) (#2069)
- Editor: Fixed missing editor switch for default material set if clicking on a material while in material set mode (#2068)
- Editor: Fixed editor format name for new objects (spaces at the end of the name) (#2067)
- Editor: Fixed editor variation delete issues (#2063)
- Editor: Fixed an error if a variation is duplicate which uses a custom shader (#2060)
- Editor: Fixed wrong visible editor delete/add new variation button setup (#2059)
- Editor: Fixed editor texture reload issue for variations (#2058)
- Editor, UI: Fixed an issue where the material inspector shows the detail foldout button even if it is not needed (#2111)
- General: Fix an issue where a tour could not be started correctly after a meeting join attempt was denied or canceled (#2203)
- General: Fixed an issue where the project importer cannot be canceled (#2134)
- General: Fixed wrong editor actions panel closing under some circumstances (#2114)
- General: Fixed project auto start issue where the project count was not correct (e.g. not refreshed at the beginning) (#2110)
- General: Fixed wrong file delete when refreshing tours in manage tour screen (#2102)
- General: Fixed material shader switch issue for shaders (#2091)
- General: Fixed meeting invite list issues where the own username cannot be added under some circumstances (#2073)
- General: Fixed rare random app freezing during scene load (unity project) (#2048)
- General: Fixed not auto refreshing manage tour screen under some circumstances (#2047)
- General: Fixed endless blending issue in configMaterialController if a material was not found in an assetBundle (#2046)
- General: Fixed wrong project meta checksum calculation for unity projects (#2042)
- General: Fixed wrong object view room detection (#2041)
- General: Fixed wrong version control check for imported projects (#2040)
- UI: Fix missing panel tween position from left/right if screen size is not 1920x1080 (#2200)
- UI: Typo “Enter comment about the Tour here” (#2186)
- UI: Fixed UI fade issue when changing the pov (#2109)
- UI: Fix a crash when entering too low or high values in number edit fields (#2107)
- UI: Fixed wrong icon padding for poa icons in actions dialog (#2045)
- UI: Fixed button alignment issues on privacy setup screen (#2044)
- UI: Fixed sorting issue on poa and pov loading (#2043)
- VR: Fixed missing instance support for gradient sky shader (#2160)
- Windows installer: Removed il2cpp_data/etc directory from the installation (#1971)
- Editor: Improve editor file handling workflow (#2187)
- Editor: Added threading support for editor checksum calculation, decreasing import time for files by up to 40% (#2070)
- Editor: Added audio clip preview handling to editor (#1973)
- General: Added elapsed time and downloaded bytes for file downloads, if logging is enabled (webDownloads) (#2141)
- General: Added detailedProject import option to debug settings (#2140)
- General: Added fileAccess log option to settings file (#2101)
- General: Added check if a file is locked when importing a local project (shows also a detail message now) (#2095)
- General: Added sha256 checksum file search to project files (#2093)
- General: Added max fps input field to debug panel (#2086)
- General: Added allowStopCameraRendering editor option to settings file (#2082)
- General: Added allowShowHowToLeaveVRMessage UI option to settings file (#2076)
- General: Added buffering for path and directory instructions (#2064)
- General: Added buffering for project file names (#2049)
- General: Change color space from gamma to linear (#2033)
- General: Added new debugging values to the settings file (#2006)
- General: Added video player error message if a file could not be loaded (#2005)
- General: Added audio masterVolume to settings file (#1969)
- General: Added sounds for povs (#1258)
- General: Added on demand rendering (#625)
- Internal: Added internal profiler for loaded assetBundles and textures (used for debugging only) (#2027)
- Network, Security: Extended login functionality (#1998)
- UI: Added tour preview indication to UI (#2151)
- UI: Improve number formating edit controls (#2108)
- UI: Optimized scroll rect performance (#2051)
- UI: Added new system info panel (#1442)
- Editor: Changed max pov/poa/material set in app editor count to 50 (#2120)
- Editor: Refactored editor internals (separated into modules) (#2100)
- Editor: All editor file processing is now handled in the editor directory which saves file copy commands (#2065)
- Editor: Extended editor logging (#2061)
- Editor: Improved texture reloading for poa previews (#2010)
- Editor, UI: Hide show button in poa inspector if in object view mode (#2117)
- General: Change login workflow to local stored device-IDs (#2199)
- General: Update BestHTTP to 2.5.3 (#2195)
- General: The camera for screen devices can now always be moved around, regardless of the active poa (#2194)
- General: Teleport here on an object view pov will now only work (if enabled) if at least one world pov is placed in the scene (#2193)
- General: All open file dialogs are now using the same last used directory path (#2190)
- General: Change vegetation color/satiation for some rooms (#2171)
- General: Dropped energySaveMode setup from settings file (replaced by on demand rendering) (#2158)
- General: Refactored tar/zip creation module (#2155)
- General: If a new project import was not successful, the new created project will be deleted (no more empty projects) (#2154)
- General: Renamed local test tour to preview tour (#2150)
- General: Renamed quality section to rendering in user settings file (#2149)
- General: Refactored project reload workflow (#2148)
- General: Add tour preview load from the source directory (#2146)
- General: Refactored project importer (#2142)
- General: The import and export project dialogs are now sharing the same remember logic (#2138)
- General: Removed app version from user settings file (#2137)
- General: A project will always be downloaded into the data directory first when using the export function (#2136)
- General: Project uploads will be compressed now, if the archive size if above 50 MB (#2135)
- General: Renamed values in user settings file (#2121)
- General: Refactored tour controller (#2119)
- General: Removed local GUID generation for scenes (#2118)
- General: Improved UI error handling and message display if a tour could not be started (#2099)
- General: Variation selections are now persistent between scene loads (#2098)
- General: Refactored project loader (#2097)
- General: Refactored IO file/access methods (#2096)
- General: Change file workflow (#2094)
- General: Removed observeTextureLoaderIfUnityEditor from settings file (#2062)
- General: Removed old profile UI controls (#2038)
- General: Made app compatible with virtofy for unity 0.8.4 (#2032)
- General: Refactored config material support (#2030)
- General: Refactored the asset streaming system to support shared assetBundles and improve performance, memory footprint and GC time (#2028)
- General: Added tour leave button to tour menu (replaces exit) (#2024)
- General: Changed titles for main menu depending on mode (main menu, or tour) (#2023)
- General: The Manage Tour Screen loads now always all preview and detail images upfront, instead of streaming it (#2022)
- General: Improved tour loading speed for unity scenes (#2021)
- General: Improved tour state memory management (#2020)
- General: Improved global tour loading UI circle visibility to prevent flickering effects if an asset can be loaded fast (#2019)
- General: Refactored assetBundle loading (#2018)
- General: Reduced GC time (#2017)
- General: Extended validation for user login based on settings file (#2016)
- General: Optimized tour loading and saving (#2015)
- General: Improved group title handling for povs and poas in tour actions dialog (#2014)
- General: Refactored UI and master volume fading (#1988)
- General: Dropped video support for sky (#1987)
- General: Refactored sky support (removed per pov configuration, scene only now) (#1986)
- General: Updated to unity 2020.3.20f1 (#1968)
- General: Drop support for sky/panorama setup per pov, use only the scene setup for this (#1893)
- General: Improve project file chunk uploading (#1746)
- General: Add progress indication on a per file basis for the tar/zip creator (#1168)
- General, UI: Refactored all image controls to use the new asset streaming system (#2026)
- General, Windows: Enable MP3 file playback on windows (#642)
- Internal: Changed primary asset path from “virtofy” to “Virtofy” (#2029)
- Network: Reduced GC for web requests (#2054)
- UI: The don’t ask again checkbox for survey dialogs is now only visible on the intro panel (#2202)
- UI: UI scaling is now set to medium instead of fit to screen when starting the first time on a standalone platform (#2201)
- UI: The settings permission option is now now only visible on mobile devices (#2188)
- UI: ScreenSpace canvases are now always disabled for unity scenes (#2165)
- UI: Improved progress dialog (#2157)
- UI: Changed add menu in manage tour screen (#2145)
- UI: Improved info dialog on login screen if no credentials were entered and the user clicks on login (#2144)
- UI: Improved text formatting and activity controls for import and export project dialogs (#2143)
- UI: Changed project detail button layouts (#2129)
- UI: Show service not available button in meeting setup dialog if public meetings are disabled in the cloud (#2087)
- UI: Changed main toolbar buttons in editor mode (changed home icon, added settings button for project settings) (#2072)
- UI: Improved performance for UITourList and UITourItem (#2053)
- UI: Removed old cell view UI controls (#2050)
- UI: Disabled click event on download progress indication circle in tour detail screen (#2039)
- UI: Do not show config materials in list, if they are not used in the scene (#2031)
- UI: Removed tour import was done dialog (#2025)
- VR: Change VR splash screen (#2204)
- VR: Updated Windows XR Plugin Management to 4.60 (#2163)
- VR: Updated Oculus XR Plugin Management to 1.10 (#2162)
- VR: Updated XR Plugin Management to 4.07 (#2161)